Results for 'Albert J. Salvan'

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  1.  53
    Emile Zola. [REVIEW]Albert J. Salvan - 1954 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 29 (2):301-302.
  2.  16
    The third covenant: the transmission of consciousness in the work of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Thomas Berry, and Albert J. LaChance.Albert J. LaChance - 2014 - Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books. Edited by Rebecca LeChance Goodwin.
    The Third Covenant explores the work of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Thomas Berry, and Albert LaChance, revealing through the lens of spirituality, science, and ecology, their understanding of human origin and evolution. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, an early twentieth century geologist and priest, devoted his life as a scientist, clergyman, and mystic, to reuniting the artificial fracture between science and religion. Thomas Berry, a follower of Teilhard de Chardin and a highly respected cultural historian, furthered this reunification by repositioning (...)
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    Obligation, Free Choice, and the Logic of Weakest Permissions.Albert J. J. Anglberger, Nobert Gratzl & Olivier Roy - 2015 - Review of Symbolic Logic 8 (4):807-827.
    We introduce a new understanding of deontic modals that we callobligations as weakest permissions. We argue for its philosophical plausibility, study its expressive power in neighborhood models, provide a complete Hilbert-style axiom system for it and show that it can be extended and applied to practical norms in decision and game theory.
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  4. Metaethische Bemerkungen zur religiösen Begründung der Moral.Albert J. J. Anglberger & Christian J. Feldbacher - 2014 - In Günter Kehrer, Atheismus, Religion und Wissenschaft – Ein Problemfeld zu klärender Verhältnisse. pp. 18--21.
    In this comment to Kehrer (2014) the relevance of atheistic argumentation in the domain of ethics as an important part of religion is sketched.
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    Turning Durkheim on His Head: A Reply to Peterson and Bjerre.Albert J. Bergesen - 2012 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 42 (4):485-495.
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    ‘By his word’? Creation, preservation and consummation in the book of Hebrews.Albert J. Coetsee - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (4):13.
    God’s speech is a prominent theme in the book of Hebrews. A fascinating phenomenon regarding God’s speech, and one that has in my opinion not been adequately explored, is that the writer possibly implies that God created by his word (Heb 11:3), preserves creation by his word (Heb 1:3) and will consummate creation by his word (Heb 12:26). This article examines whether the writer indeed had the conviction that God did, does and will do this by his word. This is (...)
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  7. Eine reliabilistische Rechtfertigung des Wertes von Wissen über Theorien.Albert J. J. Anglberger & Christian J. Feldbacher - 2007 - In Christoph Jäger & Winfried Löffler, Epistemology: Contexts, Values, Disagreement. Papers of the 34th International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, 2011. The Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. pp. 11--13.
    In this contribution the socalled Meno-Problem will be discussed. With respect to theories the problem is the following question: Why is it epistemologically more valuable to know a true theory than to simply believe it? A classical answer in reabilist accounts to this problem refers to the value of the operation which is used for gathering knowledge. But there is a gap in the argumentation as far as one is not allowed to derive from this assumption the conclusion that also (...)
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  8. An Exact Truthmaker Semantics for Permission and Obligation.Albert J. J. Anglberger, Johannes Korbmacher & Federico L. G. Faroldi - 2016 - In Olivier Roy, Allard Tamminga & Malte Willer, Deontic Logic and Normative Systems. London, UK: College Publications. pp. 16-31.
    We develop an exact truthmaker semantics for permission and obligation. The idea is that with every singular act, we associate a sphere of permissions and a sphere of requirements: the acts that are rendered permissible and the acts that are rendered required by the act. We propose the following clauses for permissions and obligations: -/- - a singular act is an exact truthmaker of Pφ iff every exact truthmaker of φ is in the sphere of permissibility of the act, and (...)
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    The genesis of the académie des sciences.Albert J. George - 1938 - Annals of Science 3 (4):372-401.
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    New light on the spanish ambassador's purchases from Charles I's collection 1649-53.Albert J. Loomie - 1989 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 52 (1):257-267.
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    Glory or Gravity: Hutchinson vs. Newton.Albert J. Kuhn - 1961 - Journal of the History of Ideas 22 (3):303.
  12.  12
    Sir Thomas More: A Tragedy by James Hurdis.Albert J. Geritz - 1993 - Moreana 30 (1):4-16.
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    Thomas More and His Circle at the 2002 International Congress on Medieval Studies.Albert J. Geritz - 2001 - Moreana 38 (Number 147-38 (3-4):41-46.
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    Thomas More and his Circle at the 1995 International Congress on Medieval Studies.Albert J. Geritz - 1995 - Moreana 32 (2):63-66.
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    (1 other version)Thomas More and His Circle at the 2000 International Congress on Medieval Studies.Albert J. Geritz - 2000 - Moreana 37 (2):45-48.
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  16.  20
    Streef na vrede met almal? Hebreërs 12:14 in perspektief.Albert J. Coetsee - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (1).
    Strive for peace with everyone? Hebrews 12:14 in perspective. What sounds like a simple exhortation in Hebrews 12:14 has caused a great deal of discussion amongst biblical scholars. Does the writer of Hebrews command his hearers to strive for peace with everyone everywhere, or is he exhorting them to strive for peace with all the members of their faith ommunity? Both interpretations have arguments for and against. The main arguments of both interpretations are the interpretation of the place of this (...)
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  17.  15
    Hebrews 12:9 revisited: The background of the phrase 'and live'.Albert J. Coetsee - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1):1-11.
    In this article, the background of the phrase 'and live' in Hebrews 12:9 is investigated. Although most scholars are silent on the matter, the majority of those who venture to propose a possible background vaguely refer to Proverbs 6:23b. Only a handful of scholars propose other backgrounds. This article aims to fill this lacuna. The first part of the article gives an overview of the argument of Hebrews 12:9 in its context to determine a baseline for the interpretation of the (...)
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  18.  9
    Thomas More and His Circle: The International Congress on Medieval Studies 1991.Albert J. Geritz - 1976 - Moreana 29 (3-4):133-136.
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    Thomas More and His Circle at the 1994 International Congress on Medieval Studies.Albert J. Geritz - 1995 - Moreana 32 (1):29-32.
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    Thomas More and His Circle : The International Congress on Medieval Studies, 1984.Albert J. Geritz - 1984 - Moreana 21 (Number 83-21 (3-4):77-78.
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    Thomas More and his Circle at the 1999 International Congress on Medieval Studies.Albert J. Geritz - 1999 - Moreana 36 (2):33-38.
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    Thomas More and his Circle at the 2004 International Congress on Medieval Studies.Albert J. Geritz - 1976 - Moreana 41 (4):106-109.
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    Thomas More and His Circle: The International Congress on Medieval Studies 1990.Albert J. Geritz - 1991 - Moreana 28 (1):85-88.
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    Thomas More and His Circle : Kalamazoo, Michigan -- 1983.Albert J. Geritz - 1976 - Moreana 20 (3-4):109-110.
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    Thomas More in Kalamazoo.Albert J. Geritz - 1981 - Moreana 18 (Number 71-18 (3-4):97-98.
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    Buddhist loans to christianity. With special reference to Richard garbe. Second article.Albert J. Edmunds - 1912 - The Monist 22 (4):636 - 637.
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    The progress of buddhist research; with something about pentecost.Albert J. Edmunds - 1912 - The Monist 22 (4):633 - 635.
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  28.  35
    Quixote, Bond, Rambo: Cultural Icons of Hegemonic Decline.Albert J. Bergesen - 2009 - ProtoSociology 26:226-237.
    Global cycles of rising and declining hegemonies within the world-system have been associated with periods of war and peace, free trade and protectionism, and economic expansion and contraction. Periods of hegemonic decline are also associated with the cultural production of a certain strain of self deprecating, or even self-hating, literary output. And, because we are dealing with the world-system, the popularity of such icons of national self-deprecation should be gappreciated within other countries. We see this in the fact that Don (...)
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    On Sensation.Albert J. Hammond - 1944 - Philosophical Review 53:260.
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  30.  65
    An Ancient Moslem Account of Christianity.Albert J. Edmunds - 1905 - The Monist 15 (1):120-123.
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    Buddhist Loans to Christianity.Albert J. Edmunds - 1912 - The Monist 22 (1):129-138.
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    Note on “A Buddhist Genesis”.Albert J. Edmunds - 1904 - The Monist 14 (3):472-473.
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  33.  66
    The End of Mark in the Curetonian Syriac.Albert J. Edmunds - 1920 - The Monist 30 (3):443-445.
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    Deuteronomy’s concept of life in Hebrews.Albert J. Coetsee - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (3):9.
    This article endeavours to contribute to the study of the influence and effect of Deuteronomy in the book of Hebrews. It investigates the possible influence of one of Deuteronomy’s key concepts on Hebrews, namely, the concept of ‘life’. The article starts off by defining the multifaceted concept of ‘life’ in Deuteronomy. This is followed up by combing through the text of Hebrews to identify traces of this concept in the words and arguments that the writer employs. The possible traces found (...)
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  35. Dynamic Deontic Logic and its Paradoxes.Albert J. J. Anglberger - 2008 - Studia Logica 89 (3):427-435.
    In Meyer’s promising account [7] deontic logic is reduced to a dynamic logic. Meyer claims that with his account “we get rid of most (if not all) of the nasty paradoxes that have plagued traditional deontic logic.” But as was shown by van der Meyden in [4], Meyer’s logic also contains a paradoxical formula. In this paper we will show that another paradox can be proven, one which also effects Meyer’s “solution” to contrary to duty obligations and his logic in (...)
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  36.  58
    Art's Endurance. [REVIEW]Albert J. Steiss - 1940 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 15 (4):742-744.
  37.  12
    Gettysburg to Vicksburg: The Five Original Civil War Battlefield Parks.Albert J. Meek & Herman Hattaway - 2001 - University of Missouri.
    A dramatic illustrated tour of the nation's first five Civil War Battlefield Parks takes readers inside the monuments at Gettysburg, Shiloh, Antietam, Vicksburg, and Chickamauga.
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  38.  32
    Maistre Nicole Oresme, Le Livre du Ciel et du Monde. Text and Commentary.Albert J. Menut & Alexander J. Denomy - 1941 - Mediaeval Studies 3 (1):185-280.
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    Technik und Demokratie in unserer Epoche.Erwin Herlitzius & J. Albert - 1967 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 15 (s1).
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    The Arch Lectures. [REVIEW]Albert J. Steiss - 1942 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 17 (3):538-539.
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    Thomas Merton on Racism in America.Albert J. Raboteau - 2006 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 3 (1):29-38.
  42.  62
    The Text of the Resurrection in Mark, and its Testimony to the Apparitional Theory: With a Preface on Luke’s Mutilation of Mark.Albert J. Edmunds - 1917 - The Monist 27 (2):161-178.
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    Thomas More and his Circle at the 1996 International Congress on Medieval Studies.Albert J. Geritz - 1996 - Moreana 33 (2):51-54.
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    Thomas More and His Circle at the 2001 International Congress on Medieval Studies.Albert J. Geritz - 2001 - Moreana 38 (2):27-30.
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    Thomas More and His Circle at the 1998 International Congress on Medieval Studies.Albert J. Geritz - 1998 - Moreana 35 (2):35-36.
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    Thomas More and His Circle. The International Congress on Medieval Studies, 9-12 May 1985.Albert J. Geritz - 1985 - Moreana 22 (Number 87-22 (3-4):39-40.
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    Hebrews 12:9 revisited: The background of the phrase ‘and live’.Albert J. Coetsee - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1):11.
    In this article, the background of the phrase ‘and live’ in Hebrews 12:9 is investigated. Although most scholars are silent on the matter, the majority of those who venture to propose a possible background vaguely refer to Proverbs 6:23b. Only a handful of scholars propose other backgrounds. This article aims to fill this lacuna. The first part of the article gives an overview of the argument of Hebrews 12:9 in its context to determine a baseline for the interpretation of the (...)
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  48. Navigating Shark-Infested Waters.Albert J. Chan - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 8 (1):291-304.
    Conservationists criticized the Walt Disney Company after word leaked out that shark fin soup would be served at Hong Kong Disneyland. Disney understood shark fin soup as a traditional item featured in Chinese wedding banquets and in sealing business deals. Eliminating the delicacy from the menu might undermine local customs and engender loss of “face”. Environmentalists argued that securing the shark fin involved a barbaric practice destroying the shark ecosystem, and that the soup represented an emerging status symbol rather than (...)
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  49. (1 other version)ostscript to Buddhist and Christian Gospels. [REVIEW]Albert J. Edmunds - 1916 - Ancient Philosophy (Misc) 26:160.
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    10.5840/jbee20118120.Albert J. Chan - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 1 (1):291-304.
    Conservationists criticized the Walt Disney Company after word leaked out that shark fin soup would be served at Hong Kong Disneyland. Disney understood shark fin soup as a traditional item featured in Chinese wedding banquets and in sealing business deals. Eliminating the delicacy from the menu might undermine local customs and engender loss of “face”. Environmentalists argued that securing the shark fin involved a barbaric practice destroying the shark ecosystem, and that the soup represented an emerging status symbol rather than (...)
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